Thanksgiving Sense Poems
November 2005
This page was last updated on: October 22, 2015
We continue in our roles as poets and illustrators, combining Science and Language Arts State Standard requirements in this writing assignment. 
* described Thanksgiving associations using our five senses (PA State Standard 3.2.5)
* wrote poetry practicing the writing process (PA State Standard 1.5.5)
* used our classroom computers throughout the writing process (PA State Standard 3.7.5)

Enjoy our Thanksgiving associations!

Christopher November 16, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

ThAksGiViNg Is BrInDlE
It TaStEs LiKe DiLl GlAzEd CaRrOtS
It SmElLs LiKe SwEeT TuRkEy
ThAnKsGiViNg ReMiNdS Me Of PiLgRiMs & InDiAnS
AnD SoUnDs LiKe CoOkInG FoOd
ThAnKsGiViNg FeElS ExtRaOrDiNaRy  

Danielle November 15, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

Thanksgiving is glittery brown
It tastes like buttery potatoes
It smells like strong perfume
Thanksgiving reminds me of giving food to foodless people
And sounds like my grams screaming at my grandpa to slice the turkey
Thanksgiving feels warm and cozy inside my gram’s house while it is freezing outside

Lucas November 16, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

Thanksgiving is dark green
It tastes like burnt turkey
It smells like oil
Thanksgiving reminds me of pilgrims
And sounds like rap music
Thanksgiving feels very interesting

Audrey November 15, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

Thanksgiving is auburn brown
It tastes like freshly baked turkey
It smells like my mom’s magnificent tip-top cooking
Thanksgiving reminds me of my family and home
And sounds like my relatives chattering & laughter
Thanksgiving feels like a time to be thankful  

SkylerNovember 15, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

Thanksgiving is brunette
It tastes like delicious garlic mashed potatoes
It smells like disgusting stuffing with gravy
Thanksgiving reminds me of my wonderful cousins
And sounds like the “tick tock” of the oven timer
Thanksgiving feels absolutely very, very WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KimberlyNovember 15, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

Thanksgiving is Redish-Orange 
It tastes like dandy turkey
It smells like my aunt’s FAMOUS!! And FANTASTIC!! Mashed potatoes
Thanksgiving reminds me of FUNNY!! Families
And sounds like little baby turkeys gobbling with mommies and daddies
ThAnKsGiViNg feels like being a smiling Angel in heaven  

Michael M.November 16, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

Thanksgiving is brown
It tastes like something delicious
It smells like something I have never smelled before
Thanksgiving reminds me of a family tradition
It sounds like a place full of maniacs
Thanksgiving feels wonderful

TomeNovember 16, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

ThAnksGiviNg iS LiGht CoLorEd BrOWn.
It TaStEs lIkE A rEaLly GoOd TurKey!
It SmElLs lIkE liGht CoveRed gRavY WiTh pOtaToes.
ThAnKsGiViNg rEmInDs Me oF My wHoLe EnTiRe fAmIlY AnD aLl My nEw JeRsEy FrIeNds.
iT SoUnDs lIkE A tRiLlioN ViDeO gAmEs.
ThAnKsGiViNg fEeLs So fUn AnD eNjOyAbLe! 

Ryan November 16, 2005

Thanksgiving Is…

It tastes like a wonderful bowl of stuffing
Thanksgiving reminds me of the tastiest sweet potatoes
Thanksgiving feels so wonderful!!