Please! Mrs. Dingman! Don't Choose Me!!
       We continued our exploration of different types of creative writing by reviewing friendly letters, using narrative and persuasive formats. Students developed two paragraphs, written from a pumpkin's point of view. They included vivid descriptions and persuasive arguments for me not to choose them to decorate my front porch. 

       We continue to practice writing process skills using the available technology, meeting Pennsylvania ELA Core and Academic Science Standards:
PACS ELA E05.C.1 Text Types and Purposes  
PACS E05.D.2 Knowledge of Language
PACS E05.A-C.2 Craft and Structure
PACS E05.A-C.3 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas  
PACS E05.A-V.4 Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
3.7.5 Technological Devices
This page was last updated: October 14, 2022
Please! Mrs. Dingman! Don't Choose Me!October 2015
Don't Choose Me!