NO Talking 
Spelling Lists & Online Games
Mrs. Dingman's 5th Grade
List #1
List #2
This page was last updated: June 8, 2018
presentation                    independent                    dangerous                    noisy                    miserable
coughed                            amazed                            recruits                     vandalism                official
experiment                       explode                           tolerance                    cafeteria                commotion
opinion                             conversation                     annoying                     awkward                 respectful
explanation                        particular                       tomorrow                     insult                    kindergarten
revolting                            chaos                        whooping                        gestured                        courteous
ignorant                            backsaw                      bullhorn                          braced                           assembly
oral                                   industry                    especially                        instructor                      interrupted
skirmish                            scholarly                    quivering                        preliminary                       trickery
taunted                              sniffle                    interjection                       emphasis                        quantities
Spelling list words were selected by students who found the words to be interesting, unusual, or important to the reading.