Mrs. Dingman-isms 
June 2006
This page was last updated on: October 22, 2015
      Throughout the 2005/2006 school year, my children fondly remembered expressions and phrases repeated often in our classroom. I have listed many of their favorites below. 
I wish my 5th grade class every future success. It has been my privilege to be your teacher!

… you know how that 4am typing works out for me
flip-flops are NOT all-weather shoes
on a scale of 1 to annoying…
click “File” and the “Get Off” button
I KNOW where you sit…
yeah… what she said…
OK… now you’re scaring me…
I AM a funny girl
contests… you’ve got to enter to win
you can be a big boy or a big girl about everything… EXCEPT using the stapler
… goodies on the counter…
sending a polite, but FIRM email
lovin’ the laptops
remember Flat Stanley… rolling cart with PSSA Math Coach books… enough said??
where do I take you this morning??
fancy, schmancy
humming the D.A.R.E. song coming out of the Music room
you left your jacket WHERE?... 30 seconds before dismissal is not a good time to tell me that!
letters to Clarence… licking the envelopes WAS the best part!
places to go… people to see… things to do…
Mrs. Dingman… the GOOD part…
I’m done with lecture #37 now
SERIOUS questions ONLY
wink, wink… nudge, nudge…
if for some strange, unknown, and truly bizarre reason…
aaahhh… do I have chalk on me??
lost my train of thought…
that would be just my luck if Mr. McElroy walked in right now!
done? for real? give to Mrs. D.
tables have titles… titles are capitalized… 
tables have columns… columns have titles… titles are capitalized…
don’t swing from the lights
by George, I think we’ve got it!
I need a cordless phone
story time
I’m having trouble multi-tasking today
It’s like having another me in the room
lunch duty… my favorite part of the year!
I’ve been saving this meltdown… don’t make me use it
I put it in such a safe place… I forgot where it is!
If your brain is fried… take a little break
NEXT… I feel like the mom on the cough syrup commercial
… squint your eyes and glare at them
it’s all about me this year…
girls… always make time to paint the piggies
she who gets her class out the door first, gets closest to the stage
flag holder… or flag holder… or flag holder
I promise not to hang you by your thumbs and tickle you ‘til you cry
your name…today’s date… the number 2… the word minutes…
you ARE my little angels
I LOVE my 5th grade